MP opens new Fugro offices

MP Mark Lancaster says it’s vital to the future of the UK economy to encourage the growth of high calibre SMEs particularly those specialising in advanced technologies. He was speaking during the official opening of new offices for the Milton Keynes division of Fugro Subsea Services Limited (FSSL) which recently moved to larger premises in the town.

The robotic technologies division of FSSL is the leading European developer of subsea simulator and visualisation systems providing technology and services worldwide to offshore oil and gas operators, submarine rescue and naval measures to counter underwater mines. The company has operated from Milton Keynes since 1988.

During his visit to Fugro Mark Lancaster had an opportunity to “fly” a DeepWorks simulator for himself in manoeuvring a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) in its approach to a stricken submarine. The simulator provides a realistic ROV piloting experience with multiple displays showing different underwater views from the ROV’s  cameras and sonar and remotely controlled manipulator arms which can adjust subsea equipment.

The MP for Milton Keynes North who commanded a Royal Engineers Bomb Disposal Squadron and has served on the Defence Select Committee said: “I was impressed by the simulator and visualisation technologies which offer the capability to reduce, or at least quantify accurately, the hazards across a range of subsea operations both naval and civilian, and provide opportunities for saving lives.”

“Mark Lancaster’s visit has given us a chance to demonstrate how a Milton Keynes company by developing an original technology can benefit the local economy as a small but expanding business, and nationally contribute to subsea oil and  defence requirements,” said Dr Jason Tisdall, Robotic Technologies Business Line Manager with FSSL.

Mark Lancaster used to serve as Parliamentary Private Secretary to the Secretary of State for the Department for International Development and is currently a Government Whip.

Fugro New Offices


MP flies SRV.jpg: Mark Lancaster MP successfully docks a simulated rescue vehicle with a stricken submarine